One Word. Revival.
In ACTS we find the disciples waiting in the Upper Room just as Jesus commanded. Praying. Waiting. Expecting.
Then it came. The wind of the Holy Spirit filled the room and filled their bodies. They began praising God as the Spirit gave them the ability. They were now empowered to do the work of the ministry that Jesus had commanded them to do. We as a church consistently expect God to move in power and show His love to people and He never fails!
Do you want to be in an atmosphere of revival? Do you hunger to know God more than air itself? Do you want to experience what the first followers of Jesus experienced? You can! The same promise is given to all who simply ask. While we are passionate about you knowing the Word, the Spirit brings LIFE! We intentionally create 2 hours per week minimum towards simply seeking God together. There, in the midst of prayer, God does what only HE can do. We get out of the way and let Him work.