Training Worship Leaders
To Establish God’s Kingdom in Culture
Those called into worship ministry need hands-on training, heart-to-heart Biblical teaching & Holy-Spirit encounters.
This is David University
Biblical Literacy
Holy Spirit Intimacy
Excellence in Creativity
DavidU graduate leading a song during service.
Maybe you feel a little like David in the Bible. You love music. You love worship and the way people connect to God through it. But you want to get some training.
Are you feeling like God has something in store for you? Maybe you felt a call to worship ministry but you’re thinking “Now What?”
DavidU is a 10 week apprenticeship and ministry training internship for worship leaders. Our aim is to equip worship leaders to establish God’s Kingdom in culture through their worship leadership.
Are you feeling called to lead worship? Do you love to sing and help others enter God’s presence through worship leading? Then maybe DavidU is the training that you’ve been looking for. Learn more.
Why DavidU?
Most Bible Colleges require you to pick up everything and move across the state. With DavidU, you have the accredited classes provided by the Assemblies of God via OSOM and you get the following once per week, uniquely provided by DavidU:
Prayer & Worship Together with the Instructors
40 hours of Instruction over the course of 10 Thursdays during Summer from our Pastors on Biblical Ministry & Music Theory
Music Theory 101
Piano Basics
Sound Training (Sound Basics, Mixing, etc)
In addition, there are corporate Worship Experiences where you’ll be participating in or leading for a hands-on approach to learning about Worship Ministry.
OSOM Ohio School of Ministry
We’ve partnered with the Ohio Ministry Network (Assemblies of God) to provide accredited the course work you need to become Credential, Licensed or Ordained with the Assemblies of God, a globally-recognized, highly respected Fellowship.
Learn at your own pace on your own schedule with 80% of the education being online. Our Campus is open with excellent WiFi and a staff pastor present where you can bring your laptop or device, books & a coffee and study. The other 20% of the time, you’ll travel only 15 minutes to Warren Assembly of God for weekend lectures and once a month to Columbus for Lectures, all from Instructors with Doctorates in Ministry.
After completing Year 1 of OSOM, you’ll be eligible to be credentialed with the Assemblies of God. After Year 2 of OSOM, you’ll be eligible to be licensed with the AG!
OSOM requires an “internship” which DavidU is providing, giving you the opportunity to not just learn but apply what you’re learning. The practicum element here is priceless.
Hone Your Craft
Education happens within the context of a larger community. We believe that when you put the books down, pick up an instrument and lead worship, that’s when you’ll learn the most, especially in the environment of encouragement - a group of peers who are also eager to grow spiritually, hone their craft and see Jesus glorified.
WORSHIP NIGHTS give each DavidU student the opportunity to hone their craft and apply what they’ve been learning.
“At BRSM (Brownsville Revival School of Ministry) I experienced life-changing encounters with God, practical ministry opportunities & accredited A/G courses all in the context of friendship. I want to create that same opportunity for young people in OH and PA.”
— Jordan Biel, DavidU Co-Founder & President